I am here to discover my gifts and give them to the world. Creativity plays a major role in my life. I believe that saying yes to the challenges of beauty in fine art, powerful graphic design and meaningful illustration brings us closer to our world and each other. We are all connected to the natural world and are now a global community. Art knows no boundaries.
special thanks and links to notable causes below:
Save a Forgotten Equine safehorses.org
International Union of Conservation and Natural Resources Red List iucnredlist.org
National Resources Defense Council nrdc.org
The Humane Society of the United States humanesociety.org
American Society of Prevention of Cruelty to Animals aspca.org
Brenda Peterson brendapetersonbooks.com
Dr. Toni Frohoff terramarresearch.com
Seal Sitters sealsitters.org
PAWS People Helping Animals paws.org
Save the Manatee Club savethemanatee.org
World Wildlife Foundation worldwildlife.org
Washington Wildlife & Recreation Coalition wildliferecreation.org
Elephant Advocacy elephantadvocacy.org
Ocean Conservancy oceanconservancy.org
Nature Conservancy natureconservancy.org